Thursday, March 01, 2012

Attention Please: WCB Injured Workers Rally

You're a worker. You get injured on the job. You make a claim to the Workers Compensation Board. However, your claim is denied. Or, you are met with a maze of paperwork around every corner and doctor's appointment.

Yesterday was the first of three days of protest of injured workers who say that their have been treated unfairly by the WCB. The rally was organized by the workers themselves with support from Occupy Edmonton.

The workers spoke, telling their stories amongst speeches from MLAs and provincial candidates, the songs of the Raging Grannies, and some insight from a local psychologist who has worked on WCB cases.

With a provincial election a couple of months away, the operations of the WCB may become an issue for discussion. The conclusion of everyone who spoke was that the system is broken and in need of an immediate Provincial investigation and reform. Although I personally have never had any dealings with the WCB, I was quite concerned with what I was hearing and think that the stories of these workers is good fodder for some investigative journalism.

Here are the rest of my photos.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish I had more money to get fixed. Now at the mercy of a system - Healthcare. Scary! How long before it ends!